
Powerpoint - Review Presentation in Powerpoint

Microsoft Powerpoint - Basics

Part 19 - Review Presentation in Powerpoint

Reviewing the presentation can be a very powerful way of eliminating the errors and perfecting the slides. PowerPoint offers a wide range of reviewing options for you to use. Some of them are automatic or system driven while others aid other users to collaborate and review the slides. All the reviewing tools are grouped under the Review ribbon.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Review SectionFunctions
  • Spellchecking: Identify spelling and grammar based on selected language preference
  • Research: Reference language related research tools based on specific reference books and research sites
  • Thesaurus: Provides synonyms for selected text
  • Translate: Provides translation services for selected words for multilingual support
  • Language: Set the default language for the presentation - this would be used as default language for proofing
  • Show Marking: Show/hide the user comments in the slide
  • New Comment: Add new comment against the selected content
  • Edit Comment: Edit an existing comment
  • Delete Comment: Delete a selected comment, all comments in the selected slide or all the comments in the presentation
  • Previous / Next Comment: Move to previous / next comments
  • Compare: Compare current presentation with another presentation and identify the differences
  • Accept/ Reject: Accept or reject the differences to be incorporated into the current presentation
  • Previous/ Next: Move to previous or next difference in the comparison.
  • End Review: End the review and discard any unapplied changes

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