
Powerpoint - Text Decoration in Powerpoint

Microsoft Powerpoint - Formatting Presentation

Part 36 - Text Decoration in Powerpoint

Being an aesthetic program, PowerPoint offers many text decoration features. These features can be access from the Home ribbon under the Font group.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Given below are the various font decoration features and their functions in PowerPoint.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010Makes the font face bold
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010Makes the font face italics (slanted font)
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010Underlines the font face
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010Adds shadow to the font face
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010Strikes through the font face
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010Adjusts the character spacing for the font. Predefined settings are very tight, tight, normal, loose and very loose. There is a user defined spacing setting available too.
Besides these there are some other font decoration features that can be accessed from the Font dialog. To open the Font dialog, right click on the selected text and select Font.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

The table below describes the additional text decoration features in the Font dialog.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

Double StrikethroughAdds two strike lines over the text
SuperscriptRaises the text above the normal text. For example the use of "nd" in 2nd
SubscriptShrinks the below the normal text. For example the '2' in H2O the chemical formula of water
Small CapsChanges the entire text to small caps
All CapsChanges the entire text to capital letters
Equalize Character heightAdjusts the characters so that all are of the same height regardless of the caps setting

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