
Advanced Excel - Templates

Advanced Microsoft Excel

Part 24 - Templates

Excel 2013 has thousands of online Templates of several categories that help you get started quickly by doing most of the set-up and design work for you. You can just focus on your data.
Step 1 − Open Excel 2013. You will see many templates. You also see a Search Box on the top and some Categories below that.
Templates Search Box Step 2 − Click on the category - Business. You will get a message saying Excel is Searching Thousands of Online Templates.
Searching Thousands Online Templates All the templates available in the category Business will be displayed. Also, all the categories available will be displayed on the right side, with the selected category listed as top most. The list of the categories gives the number of templates in each Category.
Templates Category Step 3 − Select another Category Sales from the Category List on the right side. The Category Sales moves up to the top most position in the Category List. The templates of the selected category Sales are displayed.
Select Templates Category Step 4 − Click on Regional sales chart Template. A brief description of the template, preview of the template and CREATE button are displayed.
Regional Sales Chart Step 5 − Click on CREATE. Excel creates a Sample Excel Worksheet with the Template you have chosen and with the sample data.
Excel Worksheet with Template Note that the Workbook Name, Worksheet Name, Chart Name are also given by Excel appropriately.
Step 6 − Replace the data in the worksheet with your data.
Worksheet with Data Your Excel Worksheet is ready with mere focus on data.

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